Too Much Radio Talk

011612_1823_Solitude1.jpgThis morning Ellen asked me to say thanks for breakfast and I did say a prayer but instead of saying “amen” at the end I said “over.” That started me to thinking that I might be talking on the radio too much. But next to fishing and gardening I love to talk on the radio. Radio propagation has not been very good lately. However, If one gets on the radio at the right time of day he/she is virtually assured of working some kind of dx. I have been talking to lots of Australians and New Zeelanders lately and a few Japaneese. This morning there was a Japaneese station on the fourty meter band just about daylight and he had a good signal but I never did work him.

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Small Stuff


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Singing Hall Millers Cross Roads


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Cypress Trees


I  always get a feeling when I look at cypress trees because they have been around a long time and a lot like the turtles of the plant world.

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Eating seafood at a Gradys Restaurant


This is a nice little seafood restaurant and they have very good food! I think it’s because the way they cook it. When they bring your plate it looks like there’s not much on your plate there but before you get through eating it you just about have to leave part of it. Those are jumbo shrimp to state an oxymoron. It is the shrimp are just about as big as small chicken drumsticks!
Don’t take very many of them to get your appetite gone. In  fact I always tell them that eating there always kills my appetite!

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Mount Carmel Primitive Baptist Church building


This is the old Mount Pisga Primitive Baptist Church used to meet. It is a beautiful old building and they’ve done a lot of work on it recently to restore it. It’s a good thing to restore some of these old buildings into see the history that went on there. When has to use his magination to to see in their minds eye what might have happened there. But lots of preaching and lots of singing went on there. Good bit of Sacred Harp singing was conducted there also. Well so fasola was conducted there. The old trees around the building have listened to many a sound coming from there! Imagine a lot of old time preaching happened there. Around coffee springs it is one of my favorite places to visit and just sit and be serene for a while as those sleeping over in the cemetery mark the ceaseless passage of time as it marches toward eternity.

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Thanksgiving Day 2014 What I’m Thankful For

image This is Thanksgiving Day 2014 and I was out hunting a few more groceries to finish up the trimmings on the Thanksgiving meal I’m looking forward to the fine food. But the most thing I have is the things that I’m thankful for I’m thankful to God for my life. I’m thankful for the air that I breathe in the water that I drink in the food that I eat. These are basic things and we don’t miss them until we don’t have them.  These I’m very thankful for. I’m thankful for my life and my relatively good health. And I enjoy my life and go from day to day enjoying all the blessings of God and I hope I can be thankful everyday.  I’m thankful that God has blessed me in other ways! I am also thankful for my wonderful family and most of them have very good health and Ellen’s family and they have good health . Thankful for my wonderful wife and companion and friend all wrapped into one and I love her so much! I’m thankful for the time we’ve had together and thankful for the time that we’re going to have together in the future! I’m thankful for the mental capacity that I have that I’m able to think and move and have my being! That’s a wonderful thing to have your mind.

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A Feeling with Many Faces

ImageA Feeling of Loneliness is a strong emotion. I feel it most strongly when I get insomnia. Sometimes it can feel like everyone else on earth is asleep (but you forget about China and those on the other side of the earth.) Just you against the world; you feel as if sleep is fled to the hills for refuge, a thousand miles away. Saying, “You can’t go to sleep no matter what you do.”

Then there is another kind of lonely feeling that takes place in a crowd. This is one where you don’t know a single soul. I have often felt as loneliness while traveling: the greater the crowd of unknown people the more pronounced the feeling. I have thought, “I just wish that I could go up and introduce myself to some of these people. However; no I don’t do it. They would think I was off my rocker, and for sure I was going to embarrass myself.” So what you do is go on about your business: and swallow the lump in your throat. You endure the same-old feeling until you get busy enough with your activities to make it go away for a while.

Another kind of loneliness and this is a good kind is what one feels when out in the woods or wilderness a very long way away from everyone else. This is the kind of loneliness that everyone needs. Another name for it is, solitude, and it is the anthesis of the bustling crowds of urban life and also all the human filth that goes with them. That is why I love to hunt and fish out in the quietness of the wilderness. In town, it is a wilderness too, just a different kind.

Then there is the bleakness of the outcast or the old person. This person just feels that the world has forgotten about them and has minimized them out of the circle of important people. Have you ever felt what it is like to be minimized? I have, and yet I did it myself a few years back. What our society needs is not food, not shelter nor things. They greatly need to feel like someone else thinks they exist and cares that they do. This is the “throw away” society and people are part of the throw away items. How many old people, and I mean people who have worked all their lives are put in nursing homes out of convenience rather than necessity. How many children are put in cages of nursery until is convenient to take them out and play with them. They are more like toys than responsibility. And most of the time we are so absorbed in making more money to buy more toys that we forget that they are persons too. Do we have to wonder why some children do not respect their parents? However, judgment comes on all generations for their life style, because, a few short years, and they will be able to enjoy the old folk’s lifestyle, I wonder how enjoyable it will be?





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The Sun Is Shining, The flowers are blooming, the bees are buzzing, and Spring is In the Air

1-28-2014 Easy Street Photo b

This is the most wonderful time of the year for me with Fall a very close second!  The wild flowers are popping up everywhere the fruit trees are brought pluming out in the yard.  We have some trepidation about the apple trees because last year they bloomed out and then the cold came along in and got them and we didn’t make nearly as many apples as we should have. The apple tree out in the yard Makes a very tasty apples with lot of them most of the time.

But I can fill it in my bones that the sun is getting warmer.  I like the way the time is right now, as opposed to the way it was in winter.  And I am more time to do things in the evenings.  I dislike the so-called daylight savings time, because it is about as screwed up as the rest of the things that the government does. I have not talked to anyone that likes it and why we have to keep having it rammed down our throats I can not for the life of me understand!

I listen to talk radio when I’m driving around the area lots but sometimes I have to turn it off because I get tired of hearing the things that on there.  One of the talk show host speaks a lot about note “low information” voters.  And I think this station is designed for “low information” listeners.  Just as our TV is designed for “low information” vewers and also mostly for perverts because of the what some of those programs you feel a little bit like a pervert! Anyway lots of government agencies spend our money putting advertisements on the radio, which I think are condescending, asinine things to have to listen to.  But you can just had first pick out the ones that are put on there by the government.  Clearly the government, US government in particular, is very designed to try to communicate with low information people. we have to keep having it is beyond me. Just another government intrusion irritating government intrusion of that into our lives.  Is this which the federal government would butt out out our affairs out and only do the things which is supposed to do. But I’m not very objective now because I’m working on my income tax.  What an asinine thing to have to understand. We must, however; remember that God loves low information people just as much also.

I take sabbaticals now and then from the news networks also and having to watch the talking heads on their thrones of arrogance.  To use an old expression that my grandparents used in a in particular, Granny Dillard used to use a lot, “I would love to buy them for what they are worth and sell them for what they think they’re worth.”  Yet the news anchor is there performing like a peacock and acting like he knows everything there is to know when she is quite limited in what  she/he actually knows!    Programs passing for news used to be heard in the days of radio Moscow and “Izvestia” So it’s pretty easy to recognize a propaganda organ of the centralized government.

One thing for sure I saw a pretty sunset yesterday, but unfortunately I couldn’t get to my camera to take a shot of it.  Some of the most dazzling art shows that I ever see are in the sky and furnished by the creator. We just have to learn learn to enjoy the beauty that is all around us.  And I think that how unfortunate it is for children and adults who are studying from that lonely path on the computer all day and miss all of the glorious wonders of this world That the Lord has made.

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Spring Showers and April Love


We are getting some spring storms now. Last night we had lots of rain and thunderstorms. Weather seems to be mixed up now from what it was although I am not convinced about the Global Warming myths that are circulating around. I do have reservations, though, about pollutants being spewed into the air. I think though that we should be looking for real solutions to pollution  in the air rather than marketing schemes and Al Gore schemes. When I see advertising based on “going green” I get a bit put out. We should be always looking for ways to clean up our and our children’s earth and doing it as a matter of course not a matter of marketing and politics.  I think many times when people advertise that they are going green they are just jumping on the scam and spin bandwagon.

Well back to my subject at hand. I started to think about the song “April Love” yesterday when we were having an april shower.

These are the April Love lyrics by Pat Boone

April love is for the very young
Every star’s a wishing star that shines for you
April love is all the seven wonders
One little kiss can tell you this is true

Sometimes an April day will suddenly bring showers
Rain to grow the flowers for her first bouquet
But April love can slip right through your fingers
So if she’s the one don’t let her run away

[Instrumental Interlude]

Sometimes an April day will suddenly bring showers
Rain to grow the flowers for her first bouquet
But April love can slip right through your fingers
So if she’s the one don’t let her run away

So I guess the weather is somewhat the same as described in this song. I have always heard the expression that April showers bring May flowers and thaqt March is the windy month.

These are some of the fond memories of my youth.


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